Webinar Recording: Promoting Equity and Wellness in Schools

Recording available on our YouTube channel

Webinar: September 17, 11:00 am pacific

Promoting Equity and Wellness in Schools:
Screening and brief intervention, restorative strategies and community engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic


During the COVID pandemic, schools across the country are looking for effective ways to screen and respond to the emotional health needs of students and faculty, promote a sense of community, engage parents as partners and address inequities by engaging the diverse communities schools serve.
This 90-minute webinar brings together panelists with expertise in these critical areas. Panelists will discuss innovative strategies around: equitable community and family engagement, remote screening and brief intervention, assessing and responding to suicide risk, and building community using the principles of restorative practice.

Evan Elkin is the Executive Director of Reclaiming Futures, a national organization working at the intersection of public health, justice and equity in youth serving systems like schools, child welfare and juvenile justice systems. Evan will discuss a national pilot funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation that blends restorative principles with public health approaches like universal screening. He will present a set of innovative new remote screening and brief intervention tools for schools designed in response to the pandemic.

The Reverend Jimmie James has 20 years of experience as Director, facilitator and community awareness educator on issues of poverty, social justice and racism. Reverend James will discuss his role in a national pilot creating innovative strategies for bridging schools and communities of color in Kent Washington around issues of wellness and equity.

Jon Kidde, a national expert on restorative practice in schools and youth justice systems will discuss emerging remote strategies for building community using restorative principles.


Margaret Soukup, a long-time national leader in bringing evidence-based public health practices to schools and youth justice settings will discuss how a multi-year public health initiative in King County, Washington has pivoted in the face of the COVID pandemic.




Updated: October 06 2020