Media Trainings for Juvenile Justice Advocates

juvenile-justice-reform_megaphoneEver wonder how to get the media to pay attention to the issue of kids in jail?  
We have the answer for you.  In April, our media guru, EricSolomon, will be our expert teacher to give us the bottom line on working with the media.
Please join us for these one-hour trainings and feel free to invite a friend.  The call in number is 866-524-0621, code 7831935097.
Basic Media Training I – April 8, 2011, 6:00 pm EST / 5:00 CST / 3:00 PST
Do you get nervous when contacting or talking to reporters? If you need assistance with talking to the media, finding the appropriate reporters to contact, building relationships, tips or what to do and not do during interviews, then this training is for you. You will leave feeling more comfortable and have a better understanding of how to get your message out.
Basic Media Training II – April 13, 2011, 6:00 pm EST / 5:00 CST / 3:00 PST
This training will walk you through the beginning steps necessary to promote your event or issue. You will learn how to develop a press release, media advisory, and talking points to use with the media. You will be surprised how easy it is to create these items. Most importantly, you will understand what reporters want to know and not give them something that they will ignore.

juvenile-justice-reform_Grace-BauerGrace Bauer is Field Organizer for the Campaign for Youth Justice. The mother of three children from Sulphur, Louisiana, her first exposure to the juvenile justice system came as the parent of a court-involved youth who, at age 14, was sent to a notorious juvenile correctional facility where he was abused and mistreated.
She formed the Lake Charles chapter of Families and Friends of Louisiana’s Incarcerated Children (FFLIC), which became known as the nation’s leading parent organization campaigning for greater fairness, reduced incarceration, improved services and better conditions of confinement in juvenile justice.
Since joining the Campaign for Youth Justice in 2008, Grace has worked to unite the parents and allies of children in six targeted states to change laws and practices that result in children being prosecuted and confined as adults. Grace has also led the development of the National Parent Caucus, a national network of family members who have joined together to end the misguided practice of trying, sentencing and incarcerating children as adults.
Photo: Robert.Nilsson.

Updated: February 08 2018