Last Day to Apply for Journalism Fellowships

Calling all bloggers and journalists: Today is the last day to apply for the John Jay College / H.F. Guggenheim Journalism Fellowships! 15 fellowships will be awarded to journalists covering education, politics, health, crime or courts to attend a two-day conference in February. The fellowships will focus on the following theme: Smart Justice: Changing How We Think About Crime and Punishment (and How We Report It)
From the application:

Possible journalist topics include: policing (evidence based or smart policing); victim/offender reconciliation; the politics of criminal justice, sentencing reform; reentry strategies.
Applications should focus on the intersection of reporters' assigned beats with criminal justice, and be related to work in progress or proposed work slated for publication. The project should be supported by a senior editor, with a letter attesting to their commitment to publish the final work. Freelancers are encouraged to apply. Their work will be also be published on, a national criminal justice news service published by Center on Media, Crime and Justice and Criminal Justice Journalists.

Fellows will be required to attend both days of the conference in its entirety. Fellows from outside the New York area will be awarded an all expense-paid trip to NYC for three days. In lieu of travel expenses, New York-region journalists will be awarded a $500 stipend to be used towards their proposed news projects. Meals and local travel will be provided for all Fellows for the duration of the symposium.

Apply here!

Liz Wu is a Digital Accounts Manager at Prichard Communications, where she oversees digital outreach for Reclaiming Futures and edits Reclaiming Futures Every Day. Before joining the Prichard team, Liz established the West Coast communications presence for the New America Foundation, where she managed all media relations, event planning and social media outreach for their 6 domestic policy programs. Liz received a B.A. in both Peace and Conflict Studies and German from the University of California at Berkeley. She tweets from @LizSF.

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Updated: December 12 2012