Blog: Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment

Introducing an Evidence-Based, Time- and Cost-Efficient Assessment for Adolescents: CHAT

To help organizations seeking a time- and cost-efficient assessment for adolescents, Inflexxion developed the Comprehensive Health Assessment for Teens, or CHAT, which has been found to be both valid and reliable in research funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).
The CHAT format is based on the ASI-MV Connect, a self-administered, multimedia version of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) developed by Dr. A. Thomas McLellan. A number of treatment centers, such as the Center for Drug-Free Living in Orlando, Florida, are using the ASI-MV Connect as part of the NIATx campaign to streamline their assessment procedures [PDF].

Reality TV Rehab Shows and Health Care Reform

substance-abuse-treatment_newspaper-headline_ehab-for-CamillaIf it is true that dollars drive decisions and the media shape attitudes on spending for public policy, we better all get off our couches, get involved, and mobilize to make sure policy makers understand how important it is to support youth and families in recovery.
Our family has suffered for years with generations of the disease of addiction. Two of our kids have made it; two have not. But when I was channel surfing last night, I saw enough images of  “rehab” to know there’s no hope that anyone would fund youth and family recovery services, given the current public will and culture.
Sensationalistic depictions of addiction are sold by the media business to get ratings, the media impacts public opinion and government, and the government impacts recovery spending on our health prospects and the future.

Roundup: Introducing "At-Promise" Teens; Girls in the Justice System Often Poly-Victimized; SAMHSA Data on Teen Behavioral Health

adolescent-substance-abuse-juvenile-justice-system-news-old-TVJuvenile Justice System News (Mostly)

Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Grant Opportunity: Peer-to-Peer Recovery Support Networks

adolescent-substance-abuse-treatment-peer-recovery-support-grants-moneyOne of the most difficult things for adolescent substance abuse treatment service systems to do is to support teens in recovery.
Fostering peer support has long been seen as critical in adult recovery, but duplicating that for teens raises difficult-to-solve issues of liability and concern for their safety. 
Nevertheless, there's no question that peer support could be a powerful tool for teens in recovery, and many communities are looking at ways to accomplish it. Furthermore, new technological tools, like this iPhone app for 12 Step participants, may address some common barriers.
And now the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is offering a small number of grants to commmunities wishing to build peer-to-peer recovery support services. (It would be great if one of the grantees focused specifically on adolescents in the justice system.) Deadline is February 10, 2010. 
However, note that the grant application specifies that "peer services must be designed and delivered primarily by individuals in recovery to meet the targeted community’s recovery support needs, as the community defines them." It also draws a sharp distinction between peer recovery and aftercare. 

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues in the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act - Recommendations - Part 2 of 2

This report on adolescent substance abuse and mental health issues in the federal legislation governing the juvenile justice system is reprinted, with permission, from the Spring/Summer 2009 issue of The Link: Connecting Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare, published by the Child Welfare League of America. The final fact sheet, suitable for printing, can be found on the Act-4-JJ website.

The second part, below, contains recommendations for strengthening the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act; the first part lays out the justification and the key issues.

Recommendations for Strengthening JJDPA Mental Health and Substance Abuse Provisions

  • Call for and provide federal funding for collaboration between state and local agencies, programs, and organizations that serve children, including schools, mental health and substance abuse agencies, law enforcement and probation personnel, juvenile courts, departments of corrections, child welfare, and other public health agencies. Juvenile justice agencies should involve families whenever appropriate.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues in the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act - Key Issues - Part 1 of 2

adolescent-substance-abuse-and-mental-health-The-Link-logoThis report on adolescent substance abuse and mental health issues in the federal legislation governing the juvenile justice system is reprinted, with permission, from the Spring/Summer 2009 issue of The Link: Connecting Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare, published by the Child Welfare League of America. The final fact sheet, suitable for printing, can be found on the Act-4-JJ website. 

The first part, below, describes the justification and the key issues; the second part contains recommendations for strengthening the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act.

When Congress considers legislation later this year to reauthorize the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA), mental health and substance abuse issues will be a top priority.
Available data from single site and multisite studies indicate that 70% or more of youth who are securely detained in a juvenile justice facility may suffer with mental health and related disorders; rates of mental health and substance abuse disorders appear to be somewhat higher for girls than boys; and more than 20% of such youth suffer disorders so severe that their ability to function is significantly impaired (Abram, Teplin, McClelland, & Dulcan, 2003; Skowyra & Cocozza, 2007; Teplin, Abram, McClelland, Dulcan, & Mericle, 2002).
Among youth under nonresidential court supervision (e.g., on probation), the rate of diagnosable mental health and substance abuse disorders is approximately 50%.
By comparison, in the general youth population, approximately 20% of youth suffer with mental health and substance abuse disorders. In addition, justice system involved youth may experience behavioral/emotional disorders for the first time because of contact with the juvenile justice system.

Adolescent Substance Abuse: Advice for Parents

Parents of teens with alcohol or drug problems often feel terribly isolated. In the last week or two, however, I've found three resources that might help, from parents who've been there. (Two, incidentally, are from Intervene, an excellent blog for parents run by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America.) 

Roundup: OJJDP Needs Assessment Survey; LGBT Youth in Juvenile Court; CRAFFT Predicts Teens' High-Risk Sexual Behavior

juvenile-justice-adolescent-substance-abuse-news-old-TVYour Juvenile Justice System: Share Local Needs with OJJDP

  • What training and technical assistance does your system need?  The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) wants to know. Complete their online needs assessment for your juvenile justice system, and help them improve their understanding of local needs to build capacity and sustainability among juvenile justice organizations. 

Juvenile Justice System and Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment News

Free Technical Assistance for Treatment Providers from NIATx's ACTION II Campaign

adolescent-substance-abuse-treatment-improvement-NIATx-logoWhat is NIATX?

NIATx helps behavioral health providers improve access to and retention in treatment for all of their clients. It's a process improvement collaborative based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. (The acronym stands for The Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment. However, since NIATx has moved into mental health other areas of behavioral health, we now go by the acronym only.)
NIATx began in 2003 as a grant project funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. The 39 provider sites involved in the grant applied the NIATx model of process improvement, making dramatic improvements in access to and retention in treatment. Today, we work with more than 1500 providers in all states.

Roundup: Update on the JJDPA; Treatment Agencies Improve Services & Bottom Line; Two Innovative Crime-Reduction Practices; and More

juvenile-justice-reform-adolescent-substance-abuse-news-roundup-TVJuvenile Justice Reform News

8 Great Resources for Improving Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment

adolescent-substance-abuse-8-resources-top-of-the-pops-album-coverWant help improving adolescent substance abuse treatment in your community? We've published a lot of excellent resources since we launched this blog a year ago. 
(Yes, we're still celebrating this blog's birthday. Missed our earlier celebration? Check out the list of our top 10 most popular stories on juvenile justice and adolescent substance abuse.)
Here's eight more great posts from our archives, aimed at helping you with teen treatment:

Our Top 10 Stories on Juvenile Justice and Adolescent Treatment - Part 2

Reclaiming-Futures-anniversary-part-2-birthday-cakeYesterday, to celebrate the first anniversary of this blog, we began reposting our top 10 posts from the past year, including one on engaging the families of youth in the juvenile justice system, how to handle confidentiality and consent issues when connecting kids with adolescent substance abuse treatment, and more.
Today, our celebration continues with our top five posts (in reverse order of popularity): 

Our Top 10 Stories on Juvenile Justice and Adolescent Substance Abuse - Part 1

reclaiming-futures-turns-1-birthday-cakeThe Reclaiming Futures blog turns one year old today!
To celebrate a great first year of sharing news, conversation, and resources related to juvenile justice reform, adolescent substance abuse, and (of course) Reclaiming Futures, I've pulled together a list of our top 10 most popular stories.
Today, I'll post five of them, in reverse order of popularity:
#10. Six Tips for Engaging Families in Juvenile Justice System Reform and Advocacy - Involving families is always a struggle for juvenile justice systems. So in this post, Grace Bauer, Field Organizer for the Campaign for Youth Justice, tells you how you can get it done. 

CSAT Announces New Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care Grants (Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Providers, Take Note!)

adolescent-substance-abuse-treatment-funding-CSAT-recovery-grants-smartiesHelp for Your Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment System

Want to expand or improve your local recovery-oriented system of care for adolescents in the juvenile justice system who have alcohol and drug problems?
The federal Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) has just announced new grants to help you do that. (The grant guidelines allow each applicant to specify a target population; my guess is that the proportion of applications submitted that focus on juveniles will be much smaller than those focusing on adults.) 
Up to 12 grants will be awarded with the anticipated award being up to $400,000/year for up to 3 years.
Deadline to Apply

And some more good news: you have until January 14, 2010 to submit your application. 

Free Webinar: Anti-Oppressive Practice Basics

What is "Anti-Oppressive Practice"?

It's an emerging framework to advance attention to diversity and social justice in the way community systems and services operate.
In this free webinar, Dr. Laura Nissen and Dr. Ann Curry-Stevens will explain the evolution of cultural competence frameworks and their impact on the fields of substance abuse treatment, justice and others.
The presenters will identify how concepts of oppression, privilege and disparities impact the way in which services are constructed and successes are measured. And finally, the presenters will identify selected tools to increase anti-oppressive practice specific to the Reclaiming Futures initiative.

Nearly $3.7 Million in Federal Funds Awarded to Help New Reclaiming Futures Sites Turn Teen Lives Around

New federal funding has been awarded to expand the Reclaiming Futures model into three more juvenile drug courts across the country over the next four years.
The nearly $3.7 million federal investment was announced by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). RWJF is providing approximately $1 million in additional technical assistance to implement the Reclaiming Futures model.

Roundup: Possible Nominee for OJJDP Chief; Chicago's Unusual Anti-Violence Plan; Heritage Foundation Study Challenges Juvenile LWOP Stats

juvenile-justice-adolescent-substance-abuse-treatment-news-TVJuvenile Justice Reform and Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment News

GAIN Short Screener IDs Needs of Adolescents in Washington, No Matter Which Door They Come In

adolescent-substance-abuse-treatment-screening-WA-state-data-GAIN-graphIn January 2007, the state of Washington mandated use of a 15-item, past-year version of the GAIN Short Screener (GAIN-SS) for all adolescents and adults seen by the Department of Social and Health Services in the state’s chemical dependency, mental health, child-welfare and justice programs.
Lucenko and colleagues1 recently used the data gathered through these sources to compile a report to the Washington legislature on the prevalence of co-occurring disorders in people presenting to these services. 
Figure 1 summarizes her results for adolescents. Consistent with prior research, the report shows that implementation of a simple screener identified youth with mental health, substance use or both in each setting.

88 Seconds with Reclaiming Futures in 2014

Ever wonder what juvenile justice reform and adolescent substance abuse treatment will look like in 2014?
We do.
That's why a group of Reclaiming Futures' leaders and allies took time out a couple of weeks ago to ponder how things would look in the juvenile justice system, the adolescent treatment system, within Reclaiming Futures, and in the world at large five years from now (follow the link for more info).  Here's a fun, 88-second video recapping our meeting:

Reclaiming Futures in 2014

Reclaiming-Futures-2014-scenario-planning-meeting-dotsWhat Will Reclaiming Futures Look Like in 2014?

No one knows, of course, not for certain. But a group of people passionately interested in juvenile justice reform and improving adolescent substance abuse treatment -- many of whom were involved in the creation and implementation of Reclaiming Futures -- met recently in Washington, D.C. to make some educated guesses about what's in store.
They also offered their hopes and opinions about what it should look like in five years.
