"Raise the Age" Victory in New Hampshire: More Kids Treated as Kids; News Roundup

News-oldTV-smlJuvenile Justice Reform

  • Why Evidence-Based? New Resource Hub Covers All  (Reclaiming Futures)
    Moving toward the next step in determining reliable practices that reduce youth crime, the National Juvenile Justice Network and the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange launched a new Evidence-Based Practices section of the Juvenile Justice Resource Hub.
  • "Raise the Age" Victory in New Hampshire: More Kids Treated as Kids (Campaign for Youth Justice) 
    Are 17 year olds really old enough to be sent to adult prisons? In NH, since 1995, the answer has been YES. Over the past decade, as states across the US have recognized that 17 year olds are still children, NH was unwilling to change. Since 2000, Representative David Bickford (R ) attempted to “Raise the Age” without much support, that is until this year.


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Updated: August 22 2014