Roundup: America Behind Bars, and More

Last year, we posted about a hugely important study by the Center for Court Innovation. In it, young people reported that they did not receive a clear explanation of the juvenile justice system when they entered. Nor did they -- or their parents and guardians -- learn how their actions affected what happens in juvenile court
Our Reclaiming Futures site in Orange/Chatham Counties, North Carolina is trying to change this and created the video above for parents/guardians of youth entering juvenile court. Congratulations!  (They're also working on a handbook for youth; I'll share it when it's available.)
Has your jurisdiction done something similar? Leave a comment or drop me an email and we'll be glad to post it!

juvenile-justice-reform_sign-reads-NEWSSpecial Announcement

There's still a few days left to participate in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's online forum on chronic trauma and the teen brain: it'll be open until August 31, 2010. Share (or skim) the latest in research on trauma and adolescent neuroscience, best practices in adolescent-serving systems and programs, and ethical considerations in these emerging fields.
The foundation may commit funding in this area, so surf on over there today!
Criminal  & Juvenile Justice Policy

Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment - Key Policy

  • Wonder how Medicaid is going to change under health care reform? The Kaiser Family Foundation has an online tutorial. --Does the thought of this make you yawn? This will have a significant impact on how states pay for indigent teens in the juvenile justice system who need mental health and substance abuse treatment. (H/t to @KaiserFamFound.)
  • If you know the Reclaiming Future model at all, you know we believe that youth in the juvenile justice system who have substance abuse issues need "recovery-oriented care." So you can see why "Recovery-Oriented Care for Drug-Abusing Offenders" (which focuses on the adult side of the system), caught my eye. The authors recommend "an independent agency" to help coordinate the work of the juvenile justice and treatment systems to reduce recidivism.

What do you think? Do you agree? Do have experience with such an arrangement? Or is an independent agency necessary? (H/t to @Prison_Health.)
Juvenile Justice Resources, Research, and a Survey

Bonus Resource for Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Providers


Updated: February 08 2018