By Benjamin Chambers, January 22 2010
From the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP):
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) is seeking qualified consultants to serve as peer reviewers for its fiscal year (FY) 2010 discretionary grant applications.
OJJDP is committed to ensuring a fair and open process for awarding grants. Peer reviews, which provide an independent assessment of applications, play an important advisory role to that end.
OJJDP invites researchers and practitioners with expertise in juvenile justice to apply to serve as peer reviewers. Knowledge and expertise in the following areas would be particularly helpful and should be noted and described when applying:
- child and youth safety
- commercial sexual exploitation of children
- community collaboratives and partnerships
- gangs
- girls delinquency
- investigation of crimes against children
- juvenile and family drug courts
- juvenile detention and reentry
- juvenile justice systems
- mentoring
- research and evaluation
- training and technical assistance
- tribal child protection
- tribal juvenile justice
- tribal reconnection and resiliency.
To apply for consideration as a potential peer reviewer, attach a current résumé or curriculum vitae to an e-mail addressed to with "Peer Reviewer Candidate" in the subject line.
Be sure to note your areas of expertise in the message body and to provide complete contact information. Prospective peer reviewers will be contacted by OJJDP's peer review contractor.
The application deadline is March 31, 2010.
Topics: Juvenile Justice Reform, No bio box
Updated: February 08 2018