Juvenile Justice Reform and Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment News Roundup
By Lori Howell, April 06 2012
Funding Opportunity
Become a Reclaiming Futures site
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) seeks applicants for $1.325 million/four year grant opportunities. The funding intends to build the capacity of states, state and local courts, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments to develop and establish juvenile drug courts, incorporating the Reclaiming Futures model. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. E.T. on May 16, 2012.
Juvenile Justice Reform
Eastern Panhandle Program Designed to Keep Youth Offenders on Drug-Free Path
West Virginia Herald Mail
West Virginia’s first Juvenile Drug Court opened in Cabell County, W.Va., in 1999, and it’s taken 13 years for the benefits of the program to reach out to youngsters heading for trouble in the Eastern Panhandle.
Study Finds Alarming Number of 7th Graders are Victims of Dating Violence
Houston Chronicle
Study on dating violence that found one in three have been the victims of psychological dating violence and nearly one in six have been the victim of physical dating violence.
Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment
Illinois Taxpayers Save Money Sending Criminals Through Drug Court
FOX Chicago
Will County taxpayers spent $30,000 to graduate ten people on Thursday, but they actually saved $200,000 -- and probably some lives -- in a program that's proving to be the smartest money in crime prevention.